
Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom by Mahatma Gandhi. Daily Rebirth and Renewal.

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, International Relations, Quotes, 0 comments

What Does Freedom Mean to You?

Here’s what freedom means to Persian poet and philosopher Rumi (1207-1273). What do you think?

Take someone who doesn’t keep score, who’s not looking to be richer, or afraid of losing, who has not the slightest interest even in his own personality: he’s free.  – Rumi

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Bloom Where You Are

It’s easy to focus on the past and the future and miss out on living your best life now. Life is a series of moments and then you pass. Make the most of your present to think great thoughts and move mountains.

Posted by reimanko in Quotes, 0 comments

A Simple Life Is A Good Life

I used to think that leading a jet setting busy life was the key to success and happiness. I’ve since learned that the opposite is true. The simple things in life are often the best things in life.  The more things I have in my life, the more distractions and less gratitude. The less I have in my life, the more grateful I am for what little I have.  Simplify your life and enjoy your life: Peace.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Quotes, 0 comments

A Monk’s Advice

I visited a Buddhist monk in Japan in-between his prayer and teaching sessions. I asked him, “how do you practice your faith?” He said first, do not have expectations. When you expect people to receive you a certain way or respond to you positively or negatively, you set yourself up for failure. Placing expectations on yourself and on others leads to self-imposed, needless suffering. Second, say “thank you” in all situations, including in the day-to-day mundane activities you take for granted. A warm cup of tea, a chair, hearing a bird sing, a child’s laughter, be grateful for each moment.  He ended by stating, life is about killing time until you reach your next destination, the afterlife: 人生は冥土までの暇潰し.  Put another way life is about penance before reaching heaven: 人生は天国までの苦行.

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