
5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #4

Pressuring or forcing dual nationals to renounce one of their citizenships communicates that love of country must equate to love of the country’s government – as opposed to communicating government’s duty to earn the love of its citizens.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #1

The origins of prejudice against dual nationality stem from war and the desire for certainty regarding who can be trusted when lives are at stake. If that is true, there seems to be little if any need for such prejudice in times of peace. Keeping that prejudice in play during times of peace communicates a perceived need for preparedness in case of future war. The deep symbiotic relationship between the U.S. and Japan has, long since, outgrown the need for such preparedness. So, keeping it in play is dishonorable.

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, International Relations, 0 comments

Dreams Do Come True!






Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

Laziness and Life

Throw away laziness like seeds from a summer watermelon, you don’t need it!



Posted by reimanko in Children, Family, Quotes, 0 comments

Quote of the Day

Today’s loss leads to tomorrow’s gain!

Posted by reimanko in Quotes, 0 comments