
A Perfect Union

Are there perfect human beings? No. Can a gathering of imperfect human beings create a perfect union? No. But the key in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution is the word “more”. We are striving toward the ideal of a “more” perfect Union. May we work together to realize that ideal this Fourth of July weekend and every other weekend to come. A special thanks to all those men and women who sacrifice on behalf of the United States of America to serve this country and humanity. This rose flower is for you.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, International Relations, 0 comments

Pandemics Know No Nationality

The only race that matters is the human race. Helping each other combat pandemics and infectious diseases is the right thing to do regardless of nationality. Even more reason to focus on helping the homeless and the most vulnerable who often do not have access to proper medical care. Pandemics can spread fast and furiously in places with poor hygiene and sanitation. It’s not simply a problem for the poor. Their problems become our problems too. By uniting together and promoting the health of our neighbors we too end up promoting our own health too. Stay safe and remember each day how precious life is: breath the spirit of love, faith, and hope unto others.

Posted by reimanko in Family, International Relations, 0 comments

Reflecting on 2019 – Lots to be Grateful

Christmas and Hanukkah remind us to cherish life, family, and our faith. There is much to reflect on this December as we near the New Year. What are you most grateful for? For me it is my family, my health, my friends, and God. Material things are far from my list of wishes. I am blessed to have a roof over my head, clean water, food, and access to books and libraries. Most of all, I am incredibly fortunate to have the support of a loving family. I lack nothing. I pray for peace and tolerance. I am incredibly thankful to everyone who allowed me to share my story and realize a dream of mine – becoming a published author. Thank you for your support and readership.

I wish you and your loved ones the blessings of faith, family, and health and much joy knowing you are loved. From our family to yours, stay blessed!

Posted by reimanko in Family, 0 comments

Quote of the Day

What do you think the aim of hard work is? Helping yourself get to the summit top and bringing others along the way or climbing over others to reach the top? Here’s my take on the real aim of hard work.

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Quotes, 0 comments

What are you chasing after?

Chasing after power is like chasing after the wind. You’ll always end up empty handed. Chase after love. Love lasts beyond power, titles, fame, and fortune. So what do you love and who do you love? Chase after the relationships that matter. Ultimate success is luxury of time to do what you truly want to do and live with who you truly want to live.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Quotes, 0 comments