
Responding to Culture

Happiness is not your title. It is not your salary. It is not your job. It is your family. It is your health. It is your relationships. Not the quantity of followers but the quality of lives you’ve impacted and creating your own culture where you are free to be you without fear and without apologies. To find out more, read Tuesdays with Morrie below: “The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.” — Morrie Schwartz

#culture #health #leadership #happiness #faith #love #courage #lovebothkeepboth #values #aging #wisdom #gratitude

Posted by reimanko, 0 comments

A Perfect Union

Are there perfect human beings? No. Can a gathering of imperfect human beings create a perfect union? No. But the key in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution is the word “more”. We are striving toward the ideal of a “more” perfect Union. May we work together to realize that ideal this Fourth of July weekend and every other weekend to come. A special thanks to all those men and women who sacrifice on behalf of the United States of America to serve this country and humanity. This rose flower is for you.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, International Relations, 0 comments

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #4

Pressuring or forcing dual nationals to renounce one of their citizenships communicates that love of country must equate to love of the country’s government – as opposed to communicating government’s duty to earn the love of its citizens.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #3

Pressuring or forcing dual nationals to renounce one of their citizenships is analogous to creating a brick-less Berlin Wall. It locks in the citizen by making defection more difficult such that poor governance need not result in loss of subjects.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 1 comment

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #2

For as long as man has kept written history, leaders have recognized that dual nationality is a tool to keep the peace. Emperors and kings frequently married the offspring of rulers from other nations thereby creating a dual national in their spouse while encouraging peace and cooperation between the nations.

Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

Happy Vesak Day!

Today is a sacred day for millions of Buddhists around the world. It was on this day two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that Siddhartha Gautama was born. While he is known to have many wise sayings and teachings, here are two of my favorites:

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

When you move your focus from competition to contribution life becomes a celebration. Never try to defeat people just win their hearts




Posted by reimanko in Identity, Quotes, 2 comments


Grateful for another day. 感謝 or kansha means gratitude in Japanese. The first character means “to feel” and the second means “to thank.” What are you most grateful for today?


Posted by reimanko in Quotes, 2 comments