
How Writing Can Change the World

Writing inspires people to read. Reading can inspire people to feel a certain way. Those feelings can translate into thoughts. Those thoughts ultimately lead to actions. Every change begins with a vision. When you write you create a stream of living ideas that if allowed to flow can change the currents of life. The hardest rock can be pierced open when water keeps pounding at its surface, weathering the hurts of so many ages until finally it cracks! This is why I write: to chip away at that hardened rock of human indifference, prejudice, and intolerance. Writing exposes people to new worlds and perspectives and uncomfortable truths. Yet, it is only through exposing these truths that healing can begin. Write to unite. Write to challenge. Write to inspire. For one day it might be your idea that changes the world!

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, Writing, 0 comments

Laziness and Life

Throw away laziness like seeds from a summer watermelon, you don’t need it!



Posted by reimanko in Children, Family, Quotes, 0 comments

Quote of the Day

Today’s loss leads to tomorrow’s gain!

Posted by reimanko in Quotes, 0 comments