What better way to promote health, diversity, and creative arts than making custom masks. We used fabric we bought in Burkina Faso, West Africa to make masks for the family. So far the family loves wearing them. What custom masks are you wearing/making these days? Would love to see what unique and creative designs are out there.
Helping the Homeless and Urban Poor
What a day to be grateful for if you have your health, family and a means to financially support yourself and loved ones. Not everyone is so fortunate. It is a blessing to be able to share one’s wealth and knowledge to alleviate in some way the pain and suffering of others. The spirit of volunteerism is also very American and alive and well. It is a spirit I treasure. I created this business proposal long before the COVID-19 outbreak precisely to see how I could assist the urban homeless in Japan. Why? The homeless aren’t someone else’s problem. They are us. They are human. It is never too late to reaffirm our common humanity through kindness and acts of charity. I hope one day some brave soul will take this business proposal and implement it. It’s free. One less homeless person on the streets is a legacy we can all be proud of – whether Japanese or American or both. Have a great week and know that your health ultimately rests on the health and well-being of others. One human family.
Health and Wealth
Pandemics Know No Nationality
The only race that matters is the human race. Helping each other combat pandemics and infectious diseases is the right thing to do regardless of nationality. Even more reason to focus on helping the homeless and the most vulnerable who often do not have access to proper medical care. Pandemics can spread fast and furiously in places with poor hygiene and sanitation. It’s not simply a problem for the poor. Their problems become our problems too. By uniting together and promoting the health of our neighbors we too end up promoting our own health too. Stay safe and remember each day how precious life is: breath the spirit of love, faith, and hope unto others.
Reflecting on 2019 – Lots to be Grateful
Christmas and Hanukkah remind us to cherish life, family, and our faith. There is much to reflect on this December as we near the New Year. What are you most grateful for? For me it is my family, my health, my friends, and God. Material things are far from my list of wishes. I am blessed to have a roof over my head, clean water, food, and access to books and libraries. Most of all, I am incredibly fortunate to have the support of a loving family. I lack nothing. I pray for peace and tolerance. I am incredibly thankful to everyone who allowed me to share my story and realize a dream of mine – becoming a published author. Thank you for your support and readership.
I wish you and your loved ones the blessings of faith, family, and health and much joy knowing you are loved. From our family to yours, stay blessed!