
Responding to Culture

Happiness is not your title. It is not your salary. It is not your job. It is your family. It is your health. It is your relationships. Not the quantity of followers but the quality of lives you’ve impacted and creating your own culture where you are free to be you without fear and without apologies. To find out more, read Tuesdays with Morrie below: “The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.” — Morrie Schwartz

#culture #health #leadership #happiness #faith #love #courage #lovebothkeepboth #values #aging #wisdom #gratitude

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Family and Friends: Faith and Gratitude

We often say happy holidays. The word “holiday” implies a vacation. In fact, we are not celebrating time off, but holy days for many people. Why do we not simply say happy holy days? Commercialization has replaced the true meaning of the holy days of Christmas and Hanukkah. The gift of a God has been replaced by the gift of goods. Happiness is fleeting. The flesh constantly wants more to be happy. If I buy more or indulge more in pleasure I will be happy. Happiness is therefore contingent upon fueling and refueling fleshly desires. Holiness, however, is not about satisfying the flesh but about satisfying our spirit. The spirit that leads to greater peace and love. We can find no true comfort nor rest without it. May we fuel our spirits through prayer and acts of charity this holy season, remember our friends and family, but also those less fortunate than us. Have faith in the coming year and say thanks for all the countless blessings and miracles you and I have enjoyed this year.

Posted by reimanko in Family, 0 comments


Grateful for another day. 感謝 or kansha means gratitude in Japanese. The first character means “to feel” and the second means “to thank.” What are you most grateful for today?


Posted by reimanko in Quotes, 2 comments

Bless You

God bless America. God bless Japan. God bless you!

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A Simple Life Is A Good Life

I used to think that leading a jet setting busy life was the key to success and happiness. I’ve since learned that the opposite is true. The simple things in life are often the best things in life.  The more things I have in my life, the more distractions and less gratitude. The less I have in my life, the more grateful I am for what little I have.  Simplify your life and enjoy your life: Peace.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Quotes, 0 comments

Laziness and Life

Throw away laziness like seeds from a summer watermelon, you don’t need it!



Posted by reimanko in Children, Family, Quotes, 0 comments

Quote of the Day

Today’s loss leads to tomorrow’s gain!

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