
Honoring My Parents and My Dual Heritage

Honored to be featured in a podcast interview here: Ken Reiman – Mantra Media ( where I discuss leadership, Asian American Heritage Month, the role of mothers and parents, and my book. My journey is not possible without the love, kindness, and sacrifice of my parents and grandparents. For them, my sons, and the future, my book and podcast interview are dedicated. Listen to the podcast and let me know your thoughts.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, Writing, 0 comments

My First NFT Created in Honor of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month

My first NFT (non-fungible token) created:…/0x60f80121c31a0d46b5279700f9df786…
What better day to do so then right before May 7, commemorating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage month, and the arrival of America’s first Japanese immigrant – John Manjiro – who arrived on a whaling ship on May 7, 1843. Another John I’m proud of is my son, preparing for his first communion.
May you continue to make all of us proud!

Posted by reimanko in Children, Family, International Relations, 0 comments

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom by Mahatma Gandhi. Daily Rebirth and Renewal.

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, International Relations, Quotes, 0 comments

Keeping An Open Heart

We often speak of keeping an open mind. This too is important. But the mind alone is never enough to be fully alive, to be fully human, to be fully inspired. Do what your heart tells you and you’ll be overwhelmed with what comes back.


Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, 0 comments

Letters to My Wife: New Book out in Japanese

My new book is out in Japanese and English, dedicated to my wife of 11 years. I decided what better way to honor her than to write a letter to her every weekend and publish a book in her honor in Japanese and Engish. Available for purchase here:

The title of the book is:

照れくさい手紙が嫌いな妻へ: 52通の、ありがとう

To My Wife Who Hates Embarassing Letters: 52 Letters of Thanks



After 10 years of marriage, I decided to write a letter to my wife each Saturday of the week for an entire year. This was the start of 52 letters to my wife. Each letter is composed of 11 sentences to commemorate 11 years of marriage. The letters touch upon themes of family, faith, and children. I simply wanted to express how I felt about my wife and I did not want to wait another 10 years to tell her how much I love her. I learned that a simple letter could strengthen our relationship further. I could express my feelings more intimately. It allowed her access into my heart and feel appreciated. We were able to connect each weekend as a married couple in a special way. As the busy parents of two young, energetic boys (John aged 7 and Max aged 4), we often do not have time for ourselves let alone each other. My Saturday morning letter writing ritual gave me an opportunity to express my gratitude and carve out a space to let the person who has been by my side through ups and downs know how special she is to me. I am truly blessed to have a loving wife and friend and confidant. Sending you 52 letters with love.


Posted by reimanko in Children, Family, Writing, 0 comments

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #5

Prejudice against dual nationality is a stance against value pluralism. Yet, value pluralism is an essential need for the long-term stability of an open democratic society.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #3

Pressuring or forcing dual nationals to renounce one of their citizenships is analogous to creating a brick-less Berlin Wall. It locks in the citizen by making defection more difficult such that poor governance need not result in loss of subjects.


Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 1 comment

5 Reasons for Dual Nationality: Reason #2

For as long as man has kept written history, leaders have recognized that dual nationality is a tool to keep the peace. Emperors and kings frequently married the offspring of rulers from other nations thereby creating a dual national in their spouse while encouraging peace and cooperation between the nations.

Posted by reimanko in Family, Identity, International Relations, 0 comments

A Letter From My Son

So I asked my son to write a letter today about any topic and addressed to anyone. Here’s what he chose to write below: “Dear God, thank you for food, water, and health. Help us humans help people. Even, the people we don’t like. Amen.” He is 7 years old and gives me hope for the future.  What letter would you write today and to whom?




Posted by reimanko in Children, Writing, 0 comments

Helping the Homeless and Urban Poor

What a day to be grateful for if you have your health, family and a means to financially support yourself and loved ones. Not everyone is so fortunate. It is a blessing to be able to share one’s wealth and knowledge to alleviate in some way the pain and suffering of others. The spirit of volunteerism is also very American and alive and well. It is a spirit I treasure. I created this business proposal long before the COVID-19 outbreak precisely to see how I could assist the urban homeless in Japan. Why? The homeless aren’t someone else’s problem. They are us. They are human. It is never too late to reaffirm our common humanity through kindness and acts of charity. I hope one day some brave soul will take this business proposal and implement it. It’s free. One less homeless person on the streets is a legacy we can all be proud of – whether Japanese or American or both. Have a great week and know that your health ultimately rests on the health and well-being of others. One human family.

Posted by reimanko in Authenticity, Family, 0 comments