For as long as man has kept written history, leaders have recognized that dual nationality is a tool to keep the peace. Emperors and kings frequently married the offspring of rulers from other nations thereby creating a dual national in their spouse while encouraging peace and cooperation between the nations.
“Sometimes the person who has not been able to speak or be heard has the most powerful message to deliver.” Quote by Ken Reiman
Thanks to everyone who purchased my book and allowed me to share my experience with others. I hope it will inspire others to share their hopes and dreams too!
It’s not your job to tell yourself no. It’s not your job to reject yourself or grade yourself or debate the value or worthiness of your ideas. Your job is to create. Your job is to share. Your job is to overcome fear and run the race. Yes, if you build something people might judge it or dislike it. But if you don’t create and share the things that you have inside of you, then you’ll commit the far worse crime of rejecting yourself. You can either be judged because you created something or ignored because you left your greatness inside of you.