In a memoir both personal and public, Ken Reiman, a diplomat with dual nationality, tells the story of his heritage from a Japanese mother and American father, and his lifelong desire to serve the United States as a member of the U.S. Foreign Service in Japan. Reiman traces his education in Arizona, childhood summers in Japan, and his grandmothers’ love as driving forces behind his unwavering commitment to be a bridge between the U.S. and Japan.
Love Both Keep Both is informative as well as heartfelt, especially for Americans who understand the inherent value of diversity and Japanese who view the U.S. as their greatest ally. The message is simple: embrace dual nationality as a gift, and never apologize for loving all of who you are to become the positive force for change God intended you to be.
My memoir is available for purchase here via Amazon and here via Barnes and Noble among other online outlets. Thanks for your interest.
彼は常に自問する「お前は、アメリカのために死ねるか? もちろん死ねる」、「お前は、日本のために死ねるか? もちろん死ねる」。
そして彼は自分の墓石に、次の文言を英語と日本語で刻むつもりだという。『健・小畑・ライマン 両国民の大使 100%両国民に忠誠を尽くす』これが著者の真骨頂だ。
“In this book the reader is offered the unique opportunity to explore not only the mind but also the heart of a Japanese-American diplomat who “dares” to be proud of his dual heritage. In an age where “diversity” is touted as an important value to uphold, reality does not always live up to the struggles and aspirations of men and women whose very DNA is multicultural and multilingual. Ken Reiman’s passionately told and deeply personal story will inspire all those for whom “duality” is an integral part of who they are, not only as citizens but also as human beings. Society can only benefit from heeding his call to celebrate and utilize such rich human experiences for the good of others—and ultimately, for the creation of a better world—together.”
M. Antoni J. Ucerler, S.J., D.Phil.
Associate Professor of East Asian Studies &
Director, Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History
University of San Francisco